Midtown Optometry

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Helping in Santa Cruz

In July, Dr Fellers was part of a huge community event in Santa Cruz, providing free eye care and glasses to those in need.

Other services such as dentistry and nutritional consultation were also provided during the comprehensive health fair.

Dozens of patients made their way through the clinic, lining up for hours to receive services. For many, this was the first eye exam that attendees had ever received.

Dr. Fellers was able to provide a proper prescription and complimentary eye glasses which for many would be the first time they were able to see the world clearly.

”This type of event is the exact reason why I got into the field of optometry," quoted Dr Fellers after the event. "Giving vision is the most rewarding thing I can imagine doing, and the feeling you get helping these hard working people is second to none." 

While evaluating each patient for glasses, Dr. Fellers was also able to consult with patients on a wide variety of eye related health issues from diabetes to cataracts.