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Myopia, also known as nearsightedness, is a common eye condition that affects many children. While it can be corrected with glasses or contact lenses, it is important to address the underlying condition as well. Myopia tends to worsen over time, and higher levels of myopia are associated with an increased risk of serious eye problems later in life.
Midtown Optometry pledges to fight climate change, you can too! We are happy to announce that we are now operating as a net carbon neutral business.
Midtown Optometry is offering free exams to anybody without insurance in our community. This event is to be held on September 1, 2022.
Age 40 is a magic number for eyes. Some time in your early 40's is when everybody starts to experience difficulties focusing up close and reading becomes a challenge. Unfortunately, there is no escaping this change and eventually everybody will need reading glasses. Luckily there are lot of great solutions to relieve this eye fatigue.
You may have noticed that Midtown Optometry was shut down this Tuesday morning. The entire staff was out at Twin Lakes Beach doing a trash pick day. It is one of our favorite things that we do each year to help out the community. All of us spend a lot of time at our wonderful beaches and it is important to keep them clean both for the wildlife there as well as for our own enjoyment.
Are you an environmentalist like us? Midtown Optometry loves nature and wants to do it’s part to preserve our special ecosystem. We want you to stand with us and help us make this world a better place. Luckily, a few progressive companies have addressed this risk and you no longer have to even put them in the trash. You can now recycle these lenses along with their packaging to make the world a better place.
You want to avoid using your shirt, or any clothing in general, for cleaning your glasses. Fabrics usually contain dust and small debris, especially the ones you’ve been wearing all day long.
Dust and debris can leave deep scratches in the glasses themselves, and you can’t get rid of scratches that easily sadly. It’s best practice to stop using your shirt to wipe your glasses off and do it the proper way. The best method is dishwashing liquid and water.
With so much false information circulating about the relevance of vitamin supplements for your eyes, it is important to look at the clinical trials. This article highlights the important findings from the main study, the Age Related Eye Disease Study 2. For some people vitamins can be useful, but for many, their benefits are not substantiated.
People who experience color blindness aren’t necessarily aware of the differences among colors most people see. In fact, people with mild color blindness might not be aware that they’re living with the condition at all.
In most cases, color blindness is detected via clinics and through lab tests. Color vision deficiency is more common than you might think. Around 8% of men worldwide have the condition, but only 0.5% of women experience the same.
Ever since Hollywood started casting young actors in eye glasses, many children have warmed up to wearing their specs. However…
Every sport has its own unique visual demands with regards to both vision and eye protection. Without the right pair of sports sunglasses or goggles, you could adversely affecting your own performance, and at worst you may even be putting yourself at risk of accident and injury.
While named after Frank Lloyd Wright, the complex at 550 Water Street was, in fact, designed Mr. Wright’s by his protege, Aaron Green in 1962.
The complex is home to 400,000 square feet of medical and professional offices.
Although we know how dangerous UV light is for our skin, not many people realize our eyes are just as susceptible to harmful side effects from UV light. A recent research showed that over 1/3 of the adult population has experienced symptoms associated with prolonged UV exposure, such as red or swollen eyes, eye irritation, and even impacted vision.
Two of the most common conditions we at Midtown Optometry treat and manage are glaucoma and cataracts.
While both fall into the category of ocular disease, they are very different…
Pink eye, which is also known as conjunctivitis, is a relatively common eye condition which can cause painful, red, and itchy eyes. Although most of you have probably heard of pink eye before, did you know that there are multiple different types of pink eye? This article looks at the three main types of pink eye and a treatment for each.
Red eye is so common that most of us have experienced it. The red streaks that run over the sclera —the white part of the eye— often occur when we are tired or fatigued, and they can make your eyes feel uncomfortable, watery, or itchy.
The appearance of red eye can vary widely. It can look like there are many pink or red lines on the sclera, or alternatively the whole of the sclera may appear diffusely pink or red.
Red eye can occur in either eye, or both simultaneously. Here are a few of the most common symptoms, aside from the redness of the sclera:
Do you know your dominant eye? Is it even possible to have a dominant eye? We are sure you have heard the term ‘dominant eye’ but you might not be sure what it means. Please allow me to explain.
After all, it would seem that they should be similar to those that your eye doctor would make for you. While it’s very tempting to save some money wherever you can, online glasses may not be the place to skimp.
While children rely on all their senses to learn, around 80% of what your child learns in school is taught visually: reading and writing, class participation, board work, and using computers are some of the most common, and most vital, tasks schoolchildren perform. Children’s eyes are constantly at work. And when their vision functions improperly, their performance in school and sports suffers.
For eyeglasses, choosing the right type of lenses can be quite challenging. We all want to look good in our glasses while at the same time, prioritizing comfort without compromising vision and visual acuity.
Technically, pink eye is the acute, contagious form of conjunctivitis – inflammation of the clear mucous membrane that lines the inner surface of the eyelids and overlies the white front surface of the eye, or sclera.
Certain nutrients: lutein, omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, vitamin C, and Vitamin E, protect you from age-related eye diseases like cataracts and macular degeneration, helping to preserve healthy eyes into old age. These are the best eye health vitamins and the best foods for eye health will be rich in these; to get enough of these nutrients and vitamins, ensure that you eat the following foods at least once every day.
Living in Santa Cruz, many of us are excited about fitness. From world class mountain biking, to breathtaking hiking and big wave surfing, we live in a Mecca for the outdoors. What many of you might not know, however is that exercise is also important for your eye health.
Sunrays can potentially harm a child’s light-sensitive retina at the back of the eye since the lens inside their retinas are less capable of blocking UV rays than those of adults.
Blepharitis is an inflammation of the eyelids which casues the formation of red, itchy, dandruff-like scales around the eyelashes —the condition is often chronic and becomes more and more difficult to treat as its severity increases.
While our eyes are amazing organs, they aren’t made for staring at screens all day —that’s why our eyes feel tired and sore when we spend too long focusing on our devices, or even straining to read in the dark.
We often refer to spectacles as glasses, but if you’ve owned a pair of modern glasses, you’ve almost certainly noticed that they aren’t actually made of glass.
And, if you’ve always thought that glasses are made of glass, well…
Whether you grew up wearing glasses or you’ve only recently started wearing them, glasses play an integral role in how we are perceived, and how we perceive ourselves.
The glasses you wear speak a lot about you.